It is a known fact that banks do not offer financing to businesses with less than perfect credit ratings. If you are planning on applying for bank funds without a proper credit score, you should hold off for now. In all likelihood, your application will get rejected. And when that happens, it will further destroy your score. What you need instead is a merchant cash advance. Mantis Funding LLC is a reputed company in the US that offers small businesses like you cash advances to help you grow and take your company to the next level. Whether you own a liquor store, an auto repair shop, a trucking business, etc., you can rest assured that they will help you out. Read on to find out how you can make the most of this service.
Customized Funding Options Just for
Mantis Funding LLC
a wide range of financing solutions. They take the time and effort to
understand your business and operations. Then, they look at your financing
needs and determine which will be the best option for you. Their services are
designed to help you get your funds as soon as possible so that your operations
are not interrupted. Right from when you make the application to when you get
your funds, their turnaround time is very short. They ensure that you get your
money in less than 3 days, provided all your information is correct. When it
comes to repayment options, the company is flexible in that as well, taking
into account the nature of your business and your receivables.
Flexible Repayment Options
If you go through a few Mantis
Funding reviews, you will be able to see how thousands of small companies
like yours have benefitted from their services. Mantis Funding can help you get
a cash advance from as little as $5,000 to as much as $250,000. So, whether you
are looking to expand your store or open a new store in a different location, you
can rely on them for the money. They also offer multiple repayment options that
are suited to your repayment capacity. This model works on the principle of
attaching their returns to your future receivables. So you
can pay back the amount as and when you make revenue.
You Do Not Have to Reply on Your
Credit Score
One of the best aspects of getting a
cash advance is that you don’t have to worry about your credit score. Even if your
score is not good, you can get the money you need since your repayment capacity
is assessed based on your business capabilities and not past payment history.
You can verify this from the many Mantis Funding reviews that other customers have written. Your business
history, operations, and future sales are what matter here. In these difficult
times, it will be hard to get financial help from mainstream sources. With this
company, all you need to do is to fill out the application, prove that your
business is making money, and you are set to go.
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